Terms & Conditions

The following Terms & Conditions define cooperation between NutriProfits and its Affiliates. The acceptance of the following provisions is prerequisite to joining NutriProfits affiliate program. If you do not accept our Terms & Conditions, you should not join NutriProfits!

1. Joining NutriProfits affiliate program

In order to join NutriProfits affiliate program you are required to fill in the registration form, which is then transmitted to the administrator of NutriProfits.com website. Administrator accepts or rejects the application on the basis of the data entered into the registration form.

A prerequisite for joining NutriProfits affiliate program is the acceptance of the program's Terms of Use.

2. Using NutriProfits affiliate links and promotional materials

As an affiliate of NutriProfits you will be able to promote products available in the program using promotional links and banners. Promotional materials downloaded from NutriProfits.com can be distributed on your websites, provided that they do not break the law of the country where the website is hosted.

NutriProfits grants each Partner a license for the use of promotional materials and trademarks of products available in the program.

It is forbidden to copy content from products manufacturers websites. Partner is allowed to copy the content from NutriProfits website and create their own content.

3. Fees

You will receive a fee for each sale generated via your referral links. The amount of the fee is specified in the administration panel of NutriProfits.com and is subject to change. You will be notified about any changes in fees 30 days prior to the change. The fee is paid only for transactions that have been fully paid and finalized (ordered products have been shipped to the customer). Transactions made by the partner and persons employed in Partner's organization are not subject to a fee. When a customer returns ordered products or files a complaint with a credit card issuer, the fee will be deducted from your affiliate account balance. If the amount of returns and/or complaints exceeds 5%, your account may be closed or suspended.

4. Fee payout

Unpaid fees are paid every month using your chosen method of payment. Fees are paid on 21st day of each month (or the next business day in case of a holiday) and include finalized transactions from the previous month.

5. Allowed marketing techniques

NutriProfits partners must not use marketing techniques, which do not comply with netiquette. It is forbidden to use any promotional campaigns involving spam. In particular it is prohibited to:

  • send emails to recipients who have not expressed their consent to receive marketing communication from Partner,
  • spamming forums and blogs,
  • spamming mobile phones.

When illicit marketing techniques are detected, your Partner account will be immediately closed and accumulated fees will not be paid out. If actions of NutriProfits Partner cause any financial loss on the part of NutriProfits, Partner will be charged with these costs.

Advertising and positioning of the Partner's websites in search engines using keywords containing product names is not allowed.

It is forbidden to advertise or sell NutriProfits offers on auction websites.

It is not allowed to pretend or act as an owner of NutriProfits brand and online stores that cooperate with NutriProfits and use mechanisms that mislead the end customer.

It is possible and permitted to make an order on behalf of the customer, but in this case it is necessary to provide with his/her full address and contact information (especially e-mail address).

The Affiliate NutriProfits is also obliged to comply with all laws applicable in countries where products are promoted.

Maintaining and updating websites belonging to the Affiliate can only be done by the Affiliate, who is fully responsible for the issue.

6. Participation in NutriProfits affiliate program

Participation in NutriProfits affiliate program begins when Partner has successfully signed up and accepted Terms of Use of the program. Since then, NutriProfits and Partner should fulfill the requirements laid out in this affiliate program's Terms of Use. The participation in NutriProfits affiliate program is free of charge.

Each Partner is allowed to have one account in NutriProfits. It is forbidden to create multiple accounts by one person. The detection of such practices will cause immediate closure of all related accounts without settling unpaid commission.

Each partner agrees for their personal data to be processed in a way that is necessary to carry out the cooperation with NutriProfits.

7. Cancelling the participation in NutriProfits program

Cancelling the participation in the program is possible at any time on the written request of the Partner.

8. Final provisions

The acceptance of the Terms of Use is equal to signing a contract between Partner and NutriProfits. Breaking the provisions may result in the suspension or closure of Partner account and suspension or loss of accumulated fees.