Please find below answers to most common questions about NutriProfits. In case you need more information do not hesitate to contact our support.

Basic Questions

What is NutriProfits?

NutriProfits is an affiliate program that offers Affiliates the opportunity to earn money by selling products from the Health and Beauty category.

How does it work?

The NutriProfits affiliate program brings together the best and best converting brands. We provide you with products of the highest effectiveness and quality, and you will receive up to a 40% commission for intermediation in their sale. The rules are simple!

Is NutriProfits free of charge for its affiliates?

Starting cooperation is completely free of charge. All you need to do is take a few minutes to register for the affiliate program - here. After a while you will be able to log in to your account.

Do I need to sign an agreement?

No, in order to start cooperation you only need to fill in the registration form and accept the Terms and Conditions.

I have no experience in affiliate marketing. Will I be able to manage?

This is a question that most beginners ask. Everything may seem difficult at first, but with our support you will surely be able to manage. You will find all the necessary information and materials necessary to promote your products in the affiliate panel. We will regularly inform you via email about the possibilities of promoting our products, as well as about ways to increase conversion and traffic. Don't worry - everyone started their adventure with affiliation at one point and was a novice.

Can I count on the support of more experienced people when I take my first steps in NutriProfits?

Yes, of course. Our support team is at your service. To start with, we encourage you to visit our blog, where you will find many valuable tips to explore the secrets of affiliation.

Do I need my own website?

There's no need for that. The promotion of products from our offer can be carried out through:

  • social network sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram),
  • creating articles on blogs,
  • writing comments on blogs, forums and social network sites.
Can I count on access to promotional materials?

You will find many promotional materials in the affiliate panel that will help you to start your first activities. All materials are available in many language versions, thanks to which our partners extend the area of their activities all over the world.

How can I keep track of my sales statistics?

After logging in to the affiliate panel you will find detailed sales statistics. The modern tracking methods we use allow us to generate detailed reports.

Commissions and Payouts

How much can I earn?

How much you earn largely depends on your creativity and time spent on product promotion. NutriProfits provides its Affiliates with the highest quality products that guarantee high conversion rates. Many people give up easily because they are counting on a quick income without any effort. As the experience of our Affiliates shows, it is not worth giving up. The most active Affiliates earn tens of thousands of EUR per month. And yet at the beginning they were also novices!

What are the commission rates?

NutriProfits offers the highest commissions on the market with 40% of each sale! The commission rates we offer are absolutely unrivalled.

What happens to the commission when a customer cancels a purchase?

In such a case, your account balance will be reduced by the amount of commission resulting from the purchase of the returned product.

Will I also earn on returning customers?

Yes, every returning customer will be assigned to your account for life. If he/she makes a new purchase, you will receive a commission.

When will I be able to make a withdrawal of funds?

The withdrawal of funds is made once a month to the 21st of each month and includes the balance of funds from the previous month.

What is the minimum amount to make a withdrawal of funds?

To be able to withdraw funds, your account balance must exceed EUR 100 or GBP 80 or USD 100 or PLN 400.

What funds withdrawal methods are available?

NutriProfits offers a wide range of withdrawal methods:

  • Bank Transfer,
  • Capitalist.
Which currency is the currency in which the funds are withdrawn?

Our affiliates have 4 types of currencies at their disposal: EUR, USD, GBP, PLN.

Do I incur additional costs when making a withdrawal?

No. We will not charge you for making a withdrawal.

Can I issue an invoice?

Yes, please contact our support team if you would like to receive the information necessary to issue an invoice.

Affiliate Links

What are affiliate links?

Affiliate links are specific URLs containing the affiliate ID. On their basis, we are able to register traffic in the tracking system and assign commissions to the appropriate Affiliate after the purchase by the customer.

Where can I find my affiliate links?

After logging in to the affiliate panel you will be able to generate affiliate links for each product.

Do affiliate links allow for the promotion of NutriProfits products in many countries?

You can promote the products available in our affiliate program in more than 100 countries!

What are GEO links?

GEO links are so-called geo-targeted affiliate links. They allow for redirecting a potential customer who clicks on the affiliate link to the language version of the sales website most suited to his/her location.

What is a sub ID and how to create one?

A sub ID is a link containing a special identifier, thanks to which you will be able to easily measure the effectiveness of a given link. If you have several links to the same offer on one page, the sub ID links will allow you to see which link exactly contributed to the transaction. You can create sub ID links after logging in to the panel.

How do I place an affiliate link on my website?

The link should be copied first and then pasted into the selected place. In the case of the Wordpress blog platform, we choose the "Add link" option in the edition of the post.


How long does the tracking period (cookies) last?

We offer our affiliates a lifetime cookie tracking. If a customer clicks on your affiliate link but decides to make a purchase in the future, you will still receive commission! We are the only company that offers a lifetime cookies!

Does the tracking system work on all devices?

The tracking system works seamlessly on all devices. Therefore, it does not matter whether the customer clicks on and purchases from a computer, tablet, smartphone or other device.

Promotional Materials

What marketing materials are available in the affiliate panel?

The following materials are available in the affiliate panel:

  • photographs (both professional and amateur),
  • advertising banners in different resolutions,
  • and the technical documentation of the product.
Can I modify the available marketing materials?

Yes, of course. Please note, however, that these materials must only be used to promote products available within NutriProfits.

Where can I find more information about each product?

All necessary information about a given product is available in the affiliate panel. Each product has its own subpage, where you can find all necessary promotional materials and technical documentation. In addition, the product's target sales page is also a source of information about the product. You will also find a link to it in the panel after logging in.

Can I use the content of the official product websites?

As an Affiliate you can use promotional materials available in the affiliate panel. However, you cannot copy the contents of the websites of the product manufacturers. We encourage you to create your own content - unique and interesting from the point of view of the reader.

Marketing of products

When can I start product marketing?

You can initiate your first marketing activities immediately after logging in to the affiliate panel. From the very beginning, you will have access to all the tools you need to start cooperation.

What products are available in the offer?

Click here to see all products and categories available in NutriProfits.

How can I promote products?

You can promote the products in many ways. The most popular method is advertising on websites corresponding thematically to the offer. For this purpose you can use popular platforms such as: Wordpress, Wix, Joomla! or Blogger.

You can also promote the products by posting comments on forums, blogs, Facebook groups or other social networking sites.

There are many opportunities for promotion, but we particularly encourage our Affiliates to create valuable websites and blogs with unique and interesting content.

Can I promote products using email campaigns?

Yes, but only if you have a database of email addresses of people who have agreed to receive marketing communications from you.

What marketing techniques are not allowed in NutriProfits?

Spamming, i.e. sending information that the recipient of the content did not order is a prohibited promotion technique. Spamming is a technique of dubious effectiveness, but above all illegal and unethical.

Do you have any additional questions? Click here, to contact the support team.